About the Office of Tax Collector
In the state of Florida, the elected position of County Tax Collector is a constitutional officer outlined in Article VIII of the Florida Constitution. The primary responsibility of Tax Collectors is to collect and distribute local property taxes on behalf of the state to fund vital services such as schools, roads, cities, and parks as well as provide other state services at the local level as outlined in Florida Statute. Tax Collectors are elected to serve every four years in the presidential election year.
The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office is responsible for collecting and distributing local property, tangible, business, and tourist development taxes. In addition, as an agent for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, we provide motor vehicle, vessel and mobile home titles and registrations, issue disabled parking permits, issue driver licenses and ID cards, and administer written tests and road tests. We also collect tolls and clear toll violations as part of motor vehicle transactions.
Additionally, we partner with other state and local government agencies to issue certified copies of Florida birth certificates and to provide concealed weapons permits, vehicle for hire permits, and hunting and fishing licenses.
The taxes and fees we collect are distributed in accordance with Florida Statute to the appropriate agency or municipality to fund vital services at the state and local levels.

Meet Your Tax Collector
Nancy C. Millan
Nancy C. Millan was elected in November 2020 and is the first female and person of Hispanic descent in Hillsborough County’s history to serve as Tax Collector. Since taking office in January 2021, Nancy hit the ground running and made improving customer service, accessibility, innovation, and office culture her main priorities.
Before being elected Hillsborough County Tax Collector, Nancy was a 30-year veteran of the Tax Collector’s Office – working in various capacities throughout her tenure, from Accounting Clerk to the Director of Community Relations. In her role as Tax Collector, Millan leads a team of 385 employees in nine locations. Her office serves approximately 1.5 million county residents delivering several state and local government services including but not limited to driver license issuance, title and registration processing, and property and business tax collection.
Our Mission
To consistently deliver amazing service experiences that empower our community, one customer at a time.
Our Vision
To lead in convenient and accessible services.
Our Values
We do the right thing.
We go the extra mile.
We are innovators.
We are #TeamHCTC.