Certificate to the Roll

Note: The non-ad valorem assessment roll must be certified by September 15th.

The Certificate to Roll form is the document that certifies your district’s Non-Ad Valorem assessment roll to the Tax Collector. The non-ad valorem assessment roll must be certified by September 15th. The information required on this form may be obtained from your file before returning it to the Property Appraiser for tax roll preparation.

Please note the items to be completed:

  • The Name of Local Government is your District Name.
  • The Total Record Count is a count of all parcels located within the Non-Ad Valorem District’s boundaries.
  • The Zeroed Item Count is a count of all the items that will not have an assessment to be collected for that assessment year. (ie. Parcels that cannot be assessed based on the requirements set forth by the BOCC Budget Department.)
  • The Assessment Record Count is a count of the parcels which an assessment amount has been levied. The Total Assessment will be the total amount to be collected from all parcels lying within the boundaries of your district.

Please have an authorized agent of your district sign and date the document. An authorized agent is a designated individual authorized to sign documents on behalf of the district. You must email the certification form to: non-adv@hillstax.org.

The Property Appraiser delivers the file along with a printout of its contents to the Tax Collector’s office, where the file is loaded into the Tax Collector’s database and compared to the Certificate to Roll form. The file submitted and the Certificate to Roll total record count and total assessment amount must agree — no exceptions. In some cases, a replacement file or amended Certificate to Roll may be necessary to achieve a match. Article V of the Agreement addresses the only alternative.

Again, everything must be completed by the statutory September 15th deadline.

For more information on the Certificate to the Roll Form, contact the Tax Collector’s Office.

Phone number: (813) 635-5200

E-mail: non-adv@hillstax.org