What is Kids Tag Art?
The Kids Tag Art Program (KTA) is a creative fundraiser that gives 5th grade students at Hillsborough County elementary schools the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities by designing a vanity license plate in art class that are printed on metal plates and sold to family, friends, and the public. KTA provides additional funding for elementary classroom art programs while students learn the practical application of license plate art, fashioned after Florida’s 120+ specialty license plates.
Kids Tag Art began in Polk County over 16 years ago, and since then, other counties have added it. To date, Kids Tag Art is now in over 14 counties and has raised over $2 Million for our arts programs in Florida! We hosted our first KTA Program in 2021-2022 school year and raised $34,848! And in school year 2023-2024 we were able to continue our mission and raised $36,139!
As part of this program, students also learn how Florida’s specialty license plates support various worthy causes across the state, and in turn, they are able to create their own tag art to support art education in their local elementary school. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the plate sales and sponsorships go back to the art program at participating schools through the Hillsborough Education Foundation.
The sponsorships help bring in the much-needed dollars to support our schools!
Thank you to our sponsors!

If you’d like to support this wonderful program by becoming a sponsor, please contact us.