News and Media Center

For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Community invited to SCC UMC Health & Wellness Day

Tampa, FL — April 4, 2024

The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center will host a special event called Health & Wellness Day, April 13 at 1971 Haverford Ave., Sun City Center.

It will take place in the church’s Life Enrichment Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and feature four expert speakers on various health topics, vendors and a variety of health and wellness screenings. The entire event is free.

“Sun City Center United Methodist Church likes to take care of community members holistically, not just spiritually,” said Victoria Sorensen, director of ministry. “We’re concerned about their total health and well-being.

“We take a pro-active approach to community service by taking care of people and meeting them where they are,” she continued. “It’s important for them to know they’re loved and cared for, regardless of where they are in life.”

The upcoming Health and Wellness Day event demonstrates that commitment.

Its keynote speakers will include Dr. Martine Exterman, leader of the Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Senior Adult Oncology Program, and three speakers representing HCA Florida South Shore Hospital: vascular surgeon Dr. Jenna Kazil; colorectal surgeon Dr. Jeffrey Mino; and its stroke and sepsis coordinator, Lacosta Carrell, RN.

Each presentation will begin at 10:15 a.m. and last 20 to 30 minutes. After all of the talks have concluded, a Q & A session will take place.

“We’re excited to participate in the Sun City Center United Methodist Church Health and Wellness Day and help the community understand about medical conditions that affect their lives, including emergency conditions like stroke and sepsis,” said Cathy Edmiston, South Shore Hospital CEO.

The free screenings offered will include the following:
• hearing tests by the Sertoma Speech & Hearing Foundation of Florida.
• head and neck cancer screenings by Moffitt Cancer Center.
• blood pressure and respiratory rate checks by Gannon University.
• assistive device assessment, grip strength and balance screenings by Gannon University.

Vendors with informational resources will include the Sun City Emergency Squad, Suncoast Community Health Centers; Moffitt; Bay Area Legal; Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office; Social Security Administration; South Shore Hospital; Tobacco Free Florida; Gannon University; and the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.

Health and Wellness Day is only one of a plethora of community-wide events Sun City Center United Methodist Church brings to Sun City Center and surrounding communities. Others include its annual Back-to-School Fair, Community Thanksgiving Day Dinner, Falltoberfest, Walk to End Alzheimer’s team and host site, Blue Christmas Service, administration of the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay’s Mary Petro Fund, the Breakaway Respite and more.

For additional information on Health and Wellness Day or the Sun City Center United Methodist Church, call 813-634-2539 or email or visit

See story from The Observer News here.