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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Florida driver’s license, motor vehicle systems suffer outage statewide

Tampa, FL — May 8, 2023

Tax collectors are warning of delays from the outage.

TALLAHASSEE — Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles suffered a statewide outage on Monday, leaving local tax collectors unable to process driver’s license and motor vehicle transactions.

Spokesperson Molly Best said the department “is currently experiencing an intermittent statewide issue affecting driver license and motor vehicle systems.”

Best didn’t know when the system would be back online, but the Pasco County’s Tax Collector Office wrote on Twitter that the outage wasn’t expected to be resolved on Monday.

“The State DMV system is down statewide,” the office wrote. “We have been advised by the state that they do not believe services will be restored before the end of the day.”

Local tax collectors, who process some driver license and motor vehicle services, reported longer wait times because of the issue.

Best did not identify the cause of the outage.

See story from Tampa Bay Times here.