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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Hillsborough County Tax Collector announces new remote road testing protocol.

Tampa, FL — May 28, 2020

TAMPA, FL (May 28, 2020) Hillsborough County Tax Collector Doug Belden announces a new protocol for Road Testing, starting Monday, June 1. Road Test services will be available by appointment only and the examiner will conduct the test from outside of the customer’s vehicle.

Communication with the tester will take place via a hands-free cellular device (Bluetooth or speakerphone) between the examiner and the tester. Customers taking the remote driving test must be accompanied by a licensed driver, 21 years or older, sitting in the passenger seat closest to the driver. No other passengers or pets are allowed in the vehicle during the test.

The examiner will have a whistle. Should they blow the whistle during the test, the tester will need to immediately come to a stop and wait for further instructions from the driver license examiner.

“We’re utilizing the highest level of mitigation to reduce the risk of infection for both the employees and the customers,” Belden said.

Road Testers will need to bring the following for their road test appointment:

  • A valid vehicle registration
  • Current Florida insurance
  • A licensed driver 21 years or older (not a driving school instructor)
  • A cell phone device (hands-free, Bluetooth or speakerphone or passenger may hold the phone)
  • Strongly encouraged to wear a mask

Other Tax Collector services at the Brandon, Drew Park, East Tampa, North Tampa, Plant City and Southshore offices are available by appointment only; customers are encouraged to conduct business online when possible.

To assist us in protecting the health and safety of everyone, all offices will adhere to strict social distancing policies that every customer must follow in order to be served. Customers with appointments should note the following;

  • Only customers with appointments will be allowed in the office.
  • Customers will be asked a series of screening questions and have their temperature taken before they enter the office per CDC guidelines. Customers with a fever exceeding 100.4 will not be permitted to enter;
  • All customers are strongly encouraged to wear face masks

To make an appointment and get the latest updates regarding the Tax Collector’s office, please visit our

COVID-19 Updates page at For questions, please call the Tax Collector’s Office 813-635-5200, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or contact us via our website.