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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Hillsborough County Tax Collector, Nancy C. Millan, Revolutionizes Customer Service Through Translation Technology – Enabling Real-Time Communication Across Languages and Cultures

Tampa, FL — June 16, 2023

To better serve the diverse population of the community that come through their doors daily, Hillsborough County Tax Collector, Nancy C. Millan, announced today that they are the first Tax Collector’s Office in the state of Florida to launch language translation technology through Pocketalk handheld devices to enhance their customer experience. The Pocketalk handheld devices translate 82 languages with industry-leading speed, accuracy, and ease of use, bridging the language gap between our diverse community.

The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office serves a population of about 1.5 million residents in Hillsborough County with government services including driver license services, titling and registration of vehicles, and property and business tax collection, just to name a few.

“We needed a way to communicate with non-English speaking customers to reduce bottlenecks in our customer flow and reduce repeat visits to our offices,” said Millan. “This technology is not a substitute for human connection, but a tool to enhance it. By implementing Pocketalk, we can improve the customer experience, while also increasing efficiency and productivity. Technology is not the end goal, but the means to achieve it.”

After a short trial period, Tax Collector employees quickly realized these features provided countless benefits to both employees and customers. Since launching the pilot program, the Tax Collector’s Office has expanded the number of devices and deployed 100 Pocketalks throughout their offices.

“We hear stories like Nancy’s almost daily – organizations, government offices, people – all looking for a way to connect with others from diverse backgrounds, speaking a multitude of languages,” shares Joe Miller, General Manager – U.S. and Europe, Pocketalk. “We never lose sight that what we offer isn’t just a product but a conversation, a connection, a way to better understand each other and remove barriers that can impact our daily lives. We hope to see the positive impact on experience continue for the Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s office and the community.”

The office is seeing improved service delivery outcomes and positive sentiment since the Pocketalk handheld devices have been added to their offices. Millan and her team are committed to creating more inclusivity across all services that meet the needs of a growing community. To learn more about their programs, services, and community initiatives, visit

Pocketalk offers personal and enterprise level solutions for language translation needs, including the Pocketalk S and Pocketalk Console. In addition to government services, Pocketalk has transformed communication in education, healthcare, and shipping and logistics. For more information, visit

Since taking office in 2021, Millan has been working tirelessly to break the perception of the typical DMV, by expanding accessibility and using technology to improve the service experience to customers in Hillsborough County.



Pocketalk is the global leader in connecting the world and facilitating conversation through the only translation solutions on the market that enable an authentic communication experience. Pocketalk, which is HIPAA and GDPR compliant, connects people of all backgrounds through language translation  fast, easy and most importantly, accurate translation. Developed, manufactured and distributed by Sourcenext, the largest distributor and creator of software, hardware, and IoT products in Japan, Pocketalk officially launched in the U.S. in 2018 with headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. The company offers translation solutions through the handheld Pocketalk collection and, in an exciting innovation, now the cloud-based Pocketalk enterprise solutions and Pocketalk App. The two-way translation solutions can translate 82 languages and be utilized anywhere in the world with an internet or data connection. To find more information or purchase Pocketalk, visit and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to stay in touch with our latest updates.