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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Kids Tag Art Program to be part of showcase at the Tampa Museum of Art and the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts

Tampa, FL — March 1, 2023

Hillsborough County Tax Collector Nancy Millan proudly announces that the Tax Collector’s Kids Tag Art Program will be showcased at the Tampa Museum of Art and the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts.

The Kids Tag Art Program is a creative fundraiser that helps support school art programs and gives 5th-grade students the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities by designing a vanity license plate in art class that is printed on metal plates and sold to family, friends, and the public.

The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Kids Tag Art Program will be part of the Hillsborough County Schools Elementary Art Showcase at the Tampa Museum of Art on Wednesday, March 1, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.  where winning plate designs from each participating school will be displayed. The top winners from each school will be recognized at their schools and at a school board meeting by Nancy C. Millan, Tax Collector, the school board, and program sponsors.

Kids Tag Art will also be showcased at the Gasparilla Festival of the Arts on Saturday and Sunday, March 4th and 5th.

The Tax Collector’s Kids Tag Art program launched in Hillsborough County in 2021 and raised over $34,000 for the participating elementary schools in 2022. In 2023, the number of participating schools doubled from 27 to 43, and Tax Collector Millan expects to surpass last year’s fundraising total.

“I was excited to bring Kids Tag Art to Hillsborough County, and I am very pleased with the community support and the student participation,” said Nancy Millan. “We continue to build and expand upon this great program that not only educates 5th graders on how Florida’s specialty license plates support various worthy causes across the state but also supports art education in their local elementary school,” she continued.

For more information on Kids Tag Art or to purchase a Kids Tag Art vanity plate, visit  The cost per plate is $15.00 plus shipping cost of $3.50.
