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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office Bringing Vital Services To Community With Outreach Events For National Safety Awareness Month

Tampa, FL — June 5, 2024

The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office (HCTC) is proud to announce its partnership with local organizations to bring essential services to the community throughout the month of June in honor of National Safety Awareness Month. This annual outreach event aims to emphasize the importance of safety in both homes and workplaces.

National Safety Awareness Month is dedicated to promoting safety and well-being in our daily lives. HCTC’s outreach events will be held across its various locations, offering both customers and team members the opportunity to participate and learn from community partners. These events will feature free hearing tests and free eye exams, among other vital services.

“We are proud to continue our ongoing partnership with these great organizations to bring essential services to our community throughout National Safety Awareness Month,” said Tax Collector Nancy Millan. “Our commitment to safety and well-being is reflected in these efforts, and we are passionate about giving back to our community.”

Outreach Schedule (9 a.m.-2 p.m.):

  • June 7, Brandon — 3030 N. Falkenburg Rd. in Tampa.
  • June 13, North Tampa — 3011 University Center Dr., Ste. 150 in Tampa.
  • June 14, Drew Park — 4100 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in Tampa.
  • June 20, East Tampa — 2814 E. Hillsborough Ave. in Tampa.
  • June 21, Plant City — 4706 Sydney Rd. in Plant City.
  • June 28, SouthShore — 406 30th Street SE in Ruskin.

Safety Month Partners:

  • Tampa Police Department will provide safety awareness information to customers and staff.
  • Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office will offer safety awareness information to customers and staff.
  • Tampa Fire Rescue will have a table with safety awareness information.
  • Hillsborough County Fire Rescue will provide safety awareness information.
  • Sertoma Speech & Hearing Foundation of Florida will offer free hearing tests.
  • Lions World Vision Institute will administer free eye exams to children ages 5-17.

Walk-ins for eye exams and vision screenings are welcome from 9 a.m.-1:15 p.m.

For more information about HCTC’s Annual Safety Awareness Outreach Event, visit

About Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office:

The Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office is responsible for collecting and distributing local property, tangible, business and tourist development taxes. In addition, as an agent for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, it provides motor vehicle, vessel and mobile home titles and registrations; issue disabled parking permits; issue driver licenses and ID cards; and administer written tests and road tests. It also collects tolls and clears toll violations as part of motor vehicle transactions.

Additionally, it partners with other state and local government agencies to issue certified copies of Florida birth certificates and to provide concealed weapons permits, vehicle-for-hire permits and hunting and fishing licenses.

The taxes and fees the office collects are distributed in accordance with Florida statutes to the appropriate agency or municipality to fund vital services at the state and local levels.

For more information about the Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Office, visit its website at

Read the full article here.