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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s Team collects over 46,000 school supplies for Hillsborough Education Foundation

Tampa, FL — August 10, 2022

Tampa, FL— August 10, 2022 Hillsborough County Tax Collector, Nancy C. Millan, is honored to present over 46,000 items to the Hillsborough Education Foundation for their annual school supply drive.

The Hillsborough Education Foundation’s mission is to strengthen public education in Hillsborough County through advocacy, investment of resources, and programs that empower every student to achieve academic and personal success. As part of their mission, they collect school supplies and provide those, free of charge, to teachers in Hillsborough County through their Teaching Tools Resource Center.

Since 2007, the Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s office has been collecting school supplies for the Foundation. This year’s collection is the largest to date.

“I am so proud of the efforts and generosity of the HCTC team,” said Hillsborough County Tax Collector Nancy C. Millan. “I also would like to thank the Hillsborough Education Foundation for all they do each and every day for the teachers and students in Hillsborough County.”