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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

North Tampa Tax Collector Office To Close For Expansion

Tampa, FL — June 14, 2023

TAMPA, FL — Hillsborough County Tax Collector Nancy C. Millan will temporarily close the Tax Collector’s North Tampa office at 3011 University Center Drive in Tampa to expand the facility starting on June 16 at noon.

Hillsborough County now has the third-largest population in Florida with approximately 1.5 million residents and is projected to reach 1.6 million by 2025.

Statewide motorist data shows the number of licensed drivers in Hillsborough County has increased by over 20 percent since 2010, an increase of more than 227,000 licensed drivers. With so many new residents migrating to the area, Tax Collector services — including driver licenses, titles and registrations — are in high demand.

To accommodate the growing demand for service, Millan will expand the North Tampa office by 5,000 square feet. Upon re-opening, the location will have more lobby seating and customer service stations.

The Tax Collector’s office on University Center Drive has been open since 2011 and serves about 17 percent of the Tax Collector’s total branch customers, estimated to be about one million in 2023.

Millan anticipates the larger North Tampa office will re-open in the fall.

“We will work to minimize any disruptions to our services during this period,” said Millan.”We are excited about the opportunity to expand services in the North Tampa area to meet service demands, even if we have to close for a short period to make it happen.”

The improved office will have innovative service features such self-service stations and virtual agent stations.

Millan plans to open a temporary location on Monday, June 26 in the space adjacent to the existing location to continue serving customers in this area during construction. Debit, credit and check payments will be accepted for transactions in the temporary office. No cash payments will be accepted.

The temporary space will have limited capacity, so Millan encourages customers to take advantage of the Tax Collector’s online services when possible, including online driver license and registration renewals, property tax payments and business tax payments. Online services include express lane services for registration renewals with same-day pickup in select Tax Collector locations.

Customers can also access other offices located throughout Hillsborough County. Visit the website for a list of all locations.

Offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays. Driver license services are available until 3:30 p.m.

See story from Patch here.