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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Residents Can Now Apply for a Concealed Weapon License at the Tax Collector’s Office

Tampa, FL — June 3, 2015

TAMPA, FL – (June 3, 2015) – Florida residents are now able to apply for their  Florida concealed weapon license (CWL)  at the Tax Collector’s North Tampa office located on 3011 University Center Drive, Suite 150, in Tampa.

Florida concealed weapon licenses are processed by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.  Due to rising demand, the Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s office was granted authorization by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to take applications, fingerprint applicants and send the information securely to the department.

Processing CWL applications at the Tax Collectors office allows customers to complete and submit their application in person at our office.  Doug Belden, Tax Collector said, “We’re very excited to partner with the Department. This is just another example of how our office continuously strives to provide convenient services for our customers while maintaining the highest level of customer service.”   The Concealed Weapon Intake System streamlines the application screening and review process, which reduces the time it, takes the department to issue a license once the application package arrives in Tallahassee.”

There will be a $22 convenience fee, which includes fingerprinting and ID photo, in addition to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ licensing fees.

There are currently more than 1.3 million concealed weapon permits in Florida, and the department processed more than 177,000 new licenses last fiscal year.

“We are pleased to be able to expand this service to improve the timeliness of concealed weapon licenses to Floridians,” Commissioner Adam H. Putnam said. “We launched offices in five counties last year, and the initiative was so successful we have many more planned for this year.”

Don’t waste time mailing your application in. Stop by the Hillsborough County Tax Collector’s North Tampa office and submit it in person. For more information or to schedule your appointment, click here.