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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Special offer for some Fl Lifetime Sportsman’s Licenses.

Tampa, FL — November 14, 2014

TAMPA, FL ( November 14, 2014)  Governor Rick Scott recently signed off on an exective order that will offer a price reduction for FL Lifetime Sportsman’s Licenses for children and young adults from November 24th through December 31st, 2014.  A greatly rededuced price cut for Florida residents.

The Lifetime Sportsman license holiday promotion includes Hunting, Freshwater Fishing and Saltwater Fishing licenses; and Deer, Wildlife Management Area, Archery, Muzzleloading Gun, Crossbow, Turkey, Florida Waterfowl, Snook and Lobster permits.

During the period of Nov.24th and Dec. 31st, the license price will be reduced to $501.50 for Florida residients children and young adults, ages of 5 through 21.

Licenses are available for purchase at any of our branches conveniently located throughout the county or online.  To purchase the license, you must provide date of birth and social security number.

Click here for more information on “How to Order your Lifetime Sportsman’s License” today.