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For Immediate Release:
For additional information please contact Tory Davis, Director of Communications & Community Relations at 813-635-5264

Tax Collector Donates Computers To Habitat To Boost Digital Access For Low-income Families

Tampa, FL — March 1, 2023

Hillsborough County Tax Collector Nancy C. Millan’s office donated computer workstations for new homeowners through Habitat for Humanity.

As part of the Hillsborough County tax collector’s community outreach initiatives, the tax collector has established a process to donate surplus obsolete equipment to nonprofit community partners aligning with the mission and core values of the tax collector’s office.

Last year, the office donated 200 surplus computer hard drives and components to Computer Mentors of Tampa. This year, the office’s surplus included 25 all-in-one workstations. The tax collector worked with eSmart Recycling to refurbish these workstations to be made available for Habitat for Humanity.

eSmart Recycling has created a network of collection points and logistic partners to recycle its computers following the best industry standards, saving electronics from going to the landfill and using the proceeds to fund technology labs for kids worldwide who don’t have access to computers. Its partners are considered good environmental stewards and catalysts in making a social and economic impact in the lives of thousands of children across the globe.

“Having an opportunity to work on this initiative is so rewarding; we can’t thank Tony Selvaggio of eSmart Recycling enough for refurbishing these workstations for the future Habitat for Humanity homeowners,” said Millan. “When we work together as a community, we can do amazing things,” she continued.

“The timing of this incredible donation was perfect. We were looking for a way to create sustainable homes scheduled to be built by Habitat for Humanity to come with a refurbished computer for the new families,” said Selvaggio, CEO of eSmart Recycling. “Thanks to the tax collector’s donation, we can now commit to ten homes.”

Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County builds and renovates homes in partnership with individuals and families needing decent, affordable housing. The donated computers will be included when Habitat for Humanity presents a new home to a family. Details to follow on Habitat for Humanity’s celebration event.

“We cannot thank Nancy Millan and the tax collector’s office enough for this generous donation that will have a major impact on the lives of the families we serve,” said Richard Rogers, chief development officer of Habitat for Humanity of Hillsborough County.

To learn more about Habitat for Humanity, visit

To learn more about eSmart Recycling visit

See story from Osprey Observer here.