Real Estate Tax

Who do I Contact?

Contact the Property Appraiser if you need to:

  • Change your mailing address for your property.
  • File for a homestead or any other property tax exemption.
  • Discuss the assessed value or exemption status of your property.
Contact your Property Appraiser

Contact the Tax Collector if you need to:

  • Pay your current or delinquent property taxes.
  • Apply for an installment payment plan.
Set up a payment plan

Pay early to get a discount!

If you pay your property taxes by the end of each month, you will receive a payment discount listed below.

  • November: 4% discount
  • December: 3% discount
  • January: 2% discount
  • February: 1% discount
Pay your taxes online

The Property Tax Process Step by Step

To ensure a system of checks and balances, the responsibility of setting tax rates, determining property values and collecting taxes are carried out by separate governing entities, each held accountable by the residents for which they serve. Below is the process in which your property taxes are assessed, tax bills are sent, and how the tax revenue is distributed.

  1. The Property Appraiser determines assessed value and processes exemptions.
  2. Taxing Authorities calculate the millage rates that will produce the desired revenue.
  3. Property Appraiser mails Notice of Proposed Property Taxes to property owners with their value and proposed ad valorem taxes.
  4. Taxpayers can appeal to the Value Adjustment Board through the Clerk of the Circuit Court if they disagree with value or exemptions.
  5. The Tax Collector mails the Property Tax Bills in November with payment due on or before the following March 31st.
  6. The Tax Collector distributes the tax revenue collected from tax payments to the Taxing Authorities.