Title & Tag Services

Specialty License Plates

The State of Florida offers various specialty license plates, which are designed to honor or benefit a specific organization.

Specialty license plate annual fees range from $15-$25. The basic costs for purchasing a specialty license plate may include the following:

  • Initial specialty license plate issuance fee
  • Registration fee
  • Processing fee

No other specific qualifications must be met for the applicant, with the exception of the U.S. Paratrooper, Fraternal Order of Police, and Divine Nine license plates.

Purchase a specialty license plate and renew your registration at the same time!

Please note: Your vehicle registration must be valid to purchase a specialty plate. If you are within your renewal period (3 months prior to the expiration date), please renew your registration before placing the specialty plate order.

If you currently have a two-year registration or more than 13 months remaining until expiration, you are not eligible for the online specialty plate order.

Specialty License Plate Pre-Sale Vouchers

New specialty plates in Florida must be approved by the Florida Legislature. In order to be manufactured, each Florida organization, such as Walt Disney World or Orlando City Soccer Club, must sell at least 3,000 presale vouchers within 24 months; out-of-state universities must sell at least 4,000 presale vouchers. Once a plate has met its threshold, it will be manufactured and available to Florida drivers at our offices.

For more information about current presale statistics, click here. 

Purchasing a Presale Voucher

Step 1 – Select A Plate: Select a specialty license plate.

Step 2 – Enter Your Information: Enter the purchaser’s and, if different, the recipient’s current tag/plate number. We must have the correct information in order to successfully process a request.

Note: If you’re purchasing the voucher for someone else, you will need to enter their tag/plate number in the recipient fields.

Step 4 – Make A Payment: We only accept credit or debit card payment. Enter the cardholder’s contact and payment information. The cost per each specialty license plate voucher is $33.00 plus a $2.00 credit/debit card processing fee. The Tax Collector’s Office does not keep any portion of that fee.

Step 5 – Processing Your Request: After your payment is processed, our staff will fulfill your voucher request, which will be added to your driver record. Once that is complete, you will receive an email with a receipt. Please keep this receipt for your records.

Getting Your Plate

After your specialty license plate has met its presale threshold, been manufactured and sent to tax collector offices for general distribution, you may visit our office for a tag renewal in person to upgrade your tag.

You may also choose to wait until your current tag is up for renewal. Tags can be renewed up to 90 days prior to their expiration date, which is the first registered owner’s birthday.